
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Stoning in Islam

Many people frown upon the fact that Islam allows stoning as a punishment for people who commit adultery and pre marital sex.

No religion that exists in this world permits pre-marital sex. There are rules set out in the bible, in the Quran, in the Torah and other holy books that define our
everyday lives.  However, you choose day to day if you want to follow them or not.

Punishment is punishment, its not a walk in the park. Punishments should be chosen so that other people can learn from it and prevent themselves from committing the same mistake. For example, Killing is not allowed in any religion, yet so many people kill each other everyday, regardless of what faith they are. They go to jail, the next day they are out on bail and it takes a long time to get a court date and eventually the trial begins. Sometimes the innocents are found guilty and guilty are found innocent. If there was capital punishment still in Canada, no one would be committing murders unless they really really have to and they have a death wish lol..........

anyway, my point is that punishments are so that people can learn not to make the same mistake because they will end up getting punished.

I don't know if I got my point across but whatever, contact me if you have any questions.


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