
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tax hike for the Rich....proposes Mcguinty government

The provincial budget for 2012 came out recently and because of the proposed tax hike and wage freezes, and budget cuts, it was not approved. The NDP and Conservative partiesdid not vote and promsied the public that this budget will not pass. So basically, he wanted to raise the cost of living while taking more money from the working people of Ontario. Click
the link below to know more

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Stoning in Islam

Many people frown upon the fact that Islam allows stoning as a punishment for people who commit adultery and pre marital sex.

No religion that exists in this world permits pre-marital sex. There are rules set out in the bible, in the Quran, in the Torah and other holy books that define our
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