So for the past couple of weeks now there has been this one guy who is almost on every news channel...the pastor from USA who wants to burn the Quran...Not one muslim country responded to that threat....but the news kept on giving this
stupid man tv time and publicity to provoke muslims around the world...same thing happened with the danish cartoon of our beloved prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H..Muslims were enraged and there were protests all around the world...
Muslims are getting tired of this and thats why there were no protests telling him to stop n all....but now when he said that he wont burn the quran, all of a sudden there are protests in Afghanistan...THIS IS RIDICULOUS AND SAD!!! what has the world come to...
.Muslims are being targeted all over the world...
USA keeps on worrying about threats to national security and labelling Pakistanis as terorrists; people in Pakistan don't even have enough food to feed themselves and theyre families, how can they afford to make bombs and stuff...?
It's just so sad whatever is happening in the world, I wouldnt be surprised if there is a World War III...It is just disgusting, there is no humanity left..what are we leaving our children? a world like this which is full of hate...The whole world is again Muslims right now; banning burqas, hijabs, and the list goes on and on...
May God help us all and may there be peace in the world...
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