
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Killer Nanny

I haven't posted anything recently because nothing has pissed me off in quite a while so there was nothing to vent about. However, 2 days ago I read a news article that pissed me off.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Shooting in the Sikh Temple

The past week there was a shooting in the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, near Milwaukee. About 7 to 10 Sikh people were killed and the gunman was shot as well. The article can be found here : Temple Shooting

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey–BOOK 1 review (on



Book one of Fifty Shades of Grey is written by E L James and has received a lot of attention from the media. E L James has appeared on a lot of talk shows and has gained a lot of publicity.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

83 things to do with a penny

Canada Penny

Now that the last penny is stamped, everything will be rounded to a nickel. However, has come up with a list of things you can still use your pennies for.

1. Clean dirty pennies instantly by dropping them into a saucer of vinegar with table salt stirred in.

2. Use for leverage to pry off the lid from a difficult “line-up-the-arrows” childproof medication bottle.

3. Slip one under a vase that sits a little wobbly to steady it.

4. Tape one to the tail of your kite for a little more stabilizing weight.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tax hike for the Rich....proposes Mcguinty government

The provincial budget for 2012 came out recently and because of the proposed tax hike and wage freezes, and budget cuts, it was not approved. The NDP and Conservative partiesdid not vote and promsied the public that this budget will not pass. So basically, he wanted to raise the cost of living while taking more money from the working people of Ontario. Click
the link below to know more

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Stoning in Islam

Many people frown upon the fact that Islam allows stoning as a punishment for people who commit adultery and pre marital sex.

No religion that exists in this world permits pre-marital sex. There are rules set out in the bible, in the Quran, in the Torah and other holy books that define our
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